This is an ambitious year for the VCC with regard to External Competitions. We shall be entering nine CAPA competitions as well as the North Shore Challenge, the Lion’s Gate Celebration of Nature and the annual VCC-Eastwood event. The big change this year is that we are also participating in two PSA (Photographic Society of America) Interclub competitions, something that the VCC hasn’t done for over 50 years. The PSA Interclub Nature comp consists of three rounds and the PSA Interclub Open consists of four. The PSA competitions allow us to compete against some of the finest camera clubs in the USA and around the world.
The External Competitions Committee would like to thank all members who have submitted images so far this year. Please keep them coming!
Please select the links corresponding to the competition to view all images that were entered and see results from previous years.
PSA Interclub Digital Nature Round One
The VCC came in fourth out of thirty-eight clubs. This was a significant achievement, and congratulations go to the six members whose images formed our submission, especially to James Kissinger, whose “Grizzlies on Tundra” image took third place out of 228 images, winning him a PSA Award of Merit.
>> See more on the VCC website
CAPA Digital Fine Art Competition
We finished two places out of the money by ending up in eighth place. Thirty-three CAPA clubs took part in this competition, so eighth place is definitely respectable. Dan Takahashi provided a significant bright spot by taking third place overall out of 190 images that were judged, earning him a CAPA Merit Award ribbon for his excellent image “The Moment“.
>> see more on the VCC website
CAPA Digital Nature Competition
Victoria Camera Club has an enviable track record when competing in Nature and Wildlife competitions. Last year we came first in The Lion’s Gate Celebration of Nature, and, as stated above, we did exceptionally well in our first experience with the PSA Interclub Nature Competition. So it was a disappointing surprise to come in sixteenth out of thirty-five in the CAPA Fall Digital Nature Competition. We felt that we had submitted a strong entry, but obviously we were up against some impressive competition. >> see more on the VCC website
CAPA Fall Print Competition
This year was the first time in quite a while that the Victoria Camera Club had submitted an entry to this competition, so it was really gratifying to be awarded the Bronze Medal for third place. The External Competitions Committee believes that print making is a very important part of photography, and thanks to the print competitions managed by our colleagues on the Internal Competitions Committee, we have many fine prints from which to choose. >> see more on the VCC website
Results Pending
We are currently waiting for the results of the External Competitions listed below. To view the images that have been selected for these competitions, please select the following link and scroll down to select the competition. We will update this document as final results are announced.
- PSA Interclub Digital Open
- Lion’s Gate Celebration of Nature
- CAPA Digital Photo Journalism
Upcoming External Competitions
To review the definition and image specifications please select the link for each competition.
- PSA Interclub Digital Open Round Two VCC deadline for submissions is December 15th, 2017. (Nature and Wildlife images are allowed!) >> more information
- PSA Interclub Digital Nature Round Two VCC deadline for submissions is January 4th, 2018. >> more information
- CAPA Digital Black & White VCC deadline for submissions is January 18th, 2018. The Victoria Camera Club is hosting this competition on behalf of CAPA! >> more information
- Eastwood versus Victoria VCC deadline is January 18th, 2018. This will be the twelfth year that we have gone head to head with this fine Scottish club located in Glasgow and the tie will be broken! Each club will submit thirty images, fifteen Novice and fifteen Intermediate/Advanced, and each image will be scored and critiqued by two judges, which makes for a great learning experience. We are planning on organizing a special evening to review all sixty images and all 120 comments. >> more information
- North Shore Challenge VCC deadline for submissions is January 29th, 2018. >> more information
For more information on the remaining six External Competitions from CAPA and PSA with VCC deadlines in February, March and April, please see the 2017-2018 Competitions Summary page where you can link to the respective competition web pages. We will be constantly updating this post so be sure to check back as we get closer to future VCC deadlines.
To submit images to an External Competition, please use this link or go to Competitions>Submit Images to a Competition on the VCC website Home Page.
Thank you for your interest in VCC External Competitions, and we look forward to your participation!
Your External Competitions Committee
Doug McLean, Leah Gray, Don Peterson, Jonathan Adams and Mike Wooding