VCC President’s Message – April 2021

By | April 4, 2021


April signifies a time of renewal. For us, on south Vancouver Island, spring flowers are popping up everywhere. Although at the time that I am writing this we are unable to arrange field trips to find these beauties, I still encourage you to get out into the fresh air yourselves and explore the many places where you can find new growth. It’s an opportunity to dust off your macro and close-up lenses and practice photographing with shallow depth of field.

April is also when our competitions start wrapping up and where you get to see how you did in the March competitions. It’s our last monthly results evening before our year-end results in May. To round out the April competitions the last entries for the PSA Round 3 competitions are due on April 2nd. So, get your Nature, Creative and Open photos in! 

Also due on April 1st is your entry for our Nanook Lodge competition. Submit your best nature or wildlife photo for a chance to win a four-day/three-night stay, courtesy of Sam Anderson, owner of the Lodge. Sam will join us on May 6th when we announce the winner. 

Another event that occurs in April is our AGM, which takes place during Member’s Night on April 15th this year. As with last year, it will be taking place over Zoom. You will have received your AGM package last week. Along with voting for members of the board, there will be a motion brought forward to increase the board term from one year to two and stagger the available seats each year. The reason for this motion is to avoid a large portion of the board changing at one time. This will allow continuity within the board each year. As this motion is a change to our by-laws, we will need all Club members to vote on it.

As we are thinking about the upcoming AGM some volunteers may be thinking about stepping down from their positions. I encourage all members, especially those who have not volunteered in the past, to think about what you get from the Club and consider giving back by filling a role for the coming year. 

By becoming an active participant, you can have a positive impact through your contribution. This past year it seemed that we had many new club members stepping forward and helping out with various committees. I thank you for that. As is said “many hands make light work” and I also add that it makes our Club better.

Teri VanWell, President